We are a UL Certified, Five Diamond Rated, Central Station with over 29 years of experience and a stellar reputation.

UL CERTIFIED. We are audited and examined every year by Underwriters Labratories to ensure we have the highest standards of redundancy and protection of all mission critical systems required to ensure our Central Station is ready for most common and even uncommon potential failures. (Redundant power, computers, receivers, building security, etc)

FIVE DIAMOND RATED. The Five Diamond program is operated by The Monitoring Association (TMA). This program has initial and ongoing training requirements for Central Station Operators which help ensure operators know how to handle any situation and follow the correct industry protocol with confidence and professionalism. Less than 10% of central stations world wide have achieved this honor and UMS was one of the pioneers in obtaining our FIVE DIAMOND status. Furthermore, UMS requires all of our operators to score at least 10% HIGHER than the FIVE DIAMOND testing requirements.

EXPERIENCE. We opened in the spring of 1990. So, perhaps we should say “in business for 29 years.” If we were to boast about the ‘sum of collective experience of all our employees’ then we would headline over 100 years of experience, but we feel that is a bit misleading. Our experience is not a claim of, “we are perfect and know everything.” Oscar Wilde said, “Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.” William Jordan stated, “Mistakes are the growing pains of wisdom.” At United Monitoring Services, we do a great job BECAUSE of our “experience” and we are thankful for each and every one of our mistakes. Some of our BEST MISTAKES are the ones which we never actually made. We recognize the value of learning from the “experience” of OTHERS. This is why we are active members of central station and security associations in which we network, share and train with other central stations each and every year. Over the last five years, we have toured at least one other central station every year in an effort to listen, learn, and avoid mistakes.

REPUTATION. Our dealers are here because of our ‘word of mouth’ reputation. It is not our goal to nickel and dime our dealers in an effort to constantly increase our income. We believe our dealers are part of the UMS team and part of our UMS family. We are successful because our TEAM is successful. Dealers STAY at United Monitoring because of our people, performance and how we treat them and their customers; not because we engineer strategies which make it difficult for them to move accounts.